Going forward I want to extend my reach as far
as I can because there are mumpreneurs all over
the world, all facing similar challenges. I’m very
realistic in my approach to small business. I’m not
one of these people who will tell you that you can
easily earn 6 figures while still picking your kids
up from school.
For me and many in my community, it’s not just
about the money, it’s about building a business
that works for us, and gives us the flexibility to do
something we love, but also be there for the kids.
I believe that there are huge benefits to social
platforms like Facebook, because they are able to
connect like-minded people from all over the world
in a way that we have never been able to before.
I think at the moment only a small percentage of
people are utilising these online connections.
Being able to chat to someone in Australia or
America as if they were 10 miles down the road
is absolutely incredible!”
Erin has invited me to get involved too, which I am
excited about. She is hosting my webinar next
week directly aimed at helping her Mumpreneurs
to overcome self-defeating behaviour in business. It
just goes to show what great connections we can
build if we open our hearts and reach for the stars
W: www.makingmumpreneurs.com