Mas Sajady
An intimate look at the man & his message
by DrTranquility- Lydia Belton
During one of many interviews I have been blessed
to have the opportunity to interview this incredible
‘Conduit ’ as he refers to himself.
We chatted about the power of frequency and some
of the applications of deep activation that he utilizes
to cause deep, lasting shifts enabling us to connect
with our highest frequency potential given unique
ensure into his millions for followers.
While Sajady was always been intuitively gifted,
“Sajady like many others, he tried to hide or ignore
his highly intuitive nature so he could “fit in”. It is for
this reason Mas has always strongly advised
parents to support children who have similar affini-
ties. It literally took Mas two near death experiences
to awaken and embrace his abilities.” http://mas-sa- So take a look,read through the Q &A &
raise your frequency and allow his ability to survive
and thrive be your call to create lasting change!
Mas Sajady Interview:
DrT) What is the most important thing to know about
the relationship between ourselves, frequency & our
health to obtain positive outcomes?
Frequency has everything to do with life & health.
Our internal frequencies must resonate at a high
vibration for optimum health for the amazing Doc’s
for a positive outcome. Just ask Hypocrites & Imho-
tep according to their belief in the power of frequen-
DrT)In Visualization and goal setting how do we
maintain a Permanent continuum of prosperity?
Prosperity meaning:Health,Wealth and Happiness ?
& How do we go deeper if needed?
Mas) If your foundational patternn is distorting It
won’t sustain any measure of frequency shift. We
must first elevate our frequency. To activate high
frequency resonation a deep core shift must first
occur . Otherwise you will simply resonate on a
lower frequency.
Once this is done our spirituality & visualization on a
cognitive, reframing ,repatterining resonance level
can occur. Thus is the lasting health & prosperity we
DrT) How does accepting that was then & this is now
a thought process shared in the community help us
moved past our ... stuff shall we say & What is your
unique take and tremendous knowledge on this ?
Mas) True Healing works on the underlying frequen-
cies which is what I do. I work on the underlying
frequencies so that your spirituality, finances and
your relationships of all kinds are grounded in our
individual flourishing & resonance on high frequency
or we are able to start fresh and fulfill our goals and
dreams with lasting permanent prosperity.
DrT ) What s the importance or effect of frequency in
an organic relationship? Can the lack of a high or
equal frequency cause a schism in your partner-
Mas) As you resonate at a higher frequency level
your partner will rise or try to connect with you.
Otherwise there there will be a parting of the ways, a
schism not only in our relationships & business but
also in finances & our health.The higher frequency
will open up permanent prosperity in a way you
never even have visualized!
Your prosperity is dictated by the frequency that you
are resonating. at as well as everything in life. So
focus on your frequency signature, your level . Your
ability to use the situations & continue to shift to a
higher frequency will ensure overall success in these
areas provided your foundational level and frequen-
cy are resonating at ahigh level so it supercharges
Mas often tells anyone who will listen “Notice What
You Notice.” We know that the highest percentage of
communication is in fact non verbal. Keeping that in
mind only serves as a furtherance of the understated
power of frequency.
Mas helps you upgrade your core frequencies,
resulting in rapid transformation in all areas of your
life Mas offers: Physical, Mental, & Emotional Health
• Relationships • Love • Business • Success • Spiritu-
ality • Intuition • and More! A
special thanks to Mas’ partner Fay and the team
especially Kaille, Paro & Ester, helping to create this
opportunity to Interview this amazing ‘conduit’.
DrTranquility Talks ® Date Therapy® Developed by DrTranquility-Lydia
is an effective protocol that helps people get in touch with their criteria for
an ideal mate.& create lasting change. DrTranquility’s protocols® have
been published most recently on &,
Featured, ABC’s the View, KISS FM, Metromix for
the Chicago Tribune, British Glamour, REDBOOK, Cosmopolitan Maga-
zine,promoted by , expert appearances BBC RADIO
py® On The Debbie Nigro Show