LifeGrid Magazine May 2017 | Page 28

FEATURED ARTICLE JO VALENTINA SINCLAIR ‘Surrender Is The Unsung Hero’ I T’S FUNNY HOW THE SIMPLEST things in life seem to be the hardest to understand. It seems as humans we have this natural tendency to want to push, to fight, to struggle, to make things more difficult than they really are. being brought up with a belief system generated by parents that constantly said 'you need to work hard for what you want' and life isn’t easy” it’s not surprising I used to think ‘struggling’ was a way of proving how much I was willing to ‘fight’ for what I wanted. Almost in a way proving I how much I wanted it. We use so much energy making up conversa- How wrong I was. tions in our head, supporting them every day with negative language and allowing our thoughts to generate disempow- ering beliefs, instead of just accepting and believing, life is meant to be easy! One of life’s puzzles I’ve recently figured out is that you can create a business with ease by giving up the belief that it's meant to be hard. When I got it and I mean really understood and FELT what ‘letting go’ and ‘going with the flow’ meant, my whole life and business opened up for me. Soul clients came in, opportunities appeared and well..even my love life got better! It's almost laughable to think this had eluded me as a coach with over 20 years personal development experience, but LIFEGRID MAGAZINE | LIFEGRID.COM.AU Understanding that pushing against the natural flow of life is counter-effective has been an incredibly valuable lesson for me in creating my business helping soulpurposed female coaches structure their business so they can do what they love and make money. We’ve all heard the sayings “focus on what you have, don't focus on what you don't have” or “focus on what you want, don’t focus on what you don’t want’ which makes perfect sense when you hear them, but actually I think the way to do it is often misinterpreted which is what causes the disparity. Focusing on what we want can often inadvertently involve resistance. Unknowingly we can get caught up in the strug- gle of trying to figure out how to get what we want! MAY 2017