LifeGrid Magazine March 2017 | Page 16




‘ The Secret to a lasting business ’


THOUGHT I HAD VISIBILITY ISSUES . In reality , I was covering myself in layers of other people . I broke into the online world fuelled by coffee and driven by sheer passion & desire to help people like myself to come into their gifts , to accept themselves on their soul level and awaken to their true potential . I ’ m sure you can relate . You ’ re willing to stay
up late all night working on your business , helping people , or compiling material because that fire is burning brightly inside of you . It ’ s all new , exciting , and you ’ re supercharged , ready to share the knowledge you ’ ve gained , right ?
Then , the unexpected happened . Somewhere down the line , I lost myself in the business “ should dos ” and the “ rules .” I replaced my drive for impact with the drive for monetary value , a switch I wasn ’ t even aware was occurring . I bought into other people ’ s ideas of what my journey and experience should look and be like . I censored my message , became surface level . I sold out .
But , I ’ m happy that I did . Being so out of alignment forced me to re-evaluate everything , to go deep and receive much needed clarity on who I really am as an entrepreneur bringing what I know to the table .
I realized that the more I pulled away from who I was at the core , the less interested my audience became in what I had to say . I didn ’ t see it at the time . I chocked it up to “ visibility ” issues and went harder , pushed further , posted more frequently and in the “ right ” kind of spaces .
Meanwhile , I started feeling disconnected and discombobulated . I was confused . The more I pushed , the less engaged they seemed , and I was doing it all like the 6-figure success gurus were saying was needed . There was a gap , though . Something just wasn ’ t adding up , despite checking all of the figures numerous times .
The vital missing ingredient was ME . I was showing up wearing someone else ’ s success story . I was donning their clothes while wondering why the fit wasn ’ t as they said it would be . I hid myself behind carefully planned graphics or well thought-out scripts on the “ right ” kind of topics . It was like I became a robot , following guaranteed success tips , everything I should do if I want to be a successful entrepre-
“ Her heart is wide open to Love and to Truth . She laughs a lot ( very important ). She walks her talk .” @ Cara Wilde - Spiritual Teacher LIFEGRID MAGAZINE | LIFEGRID . COM . AU MARCH 2017