LifeGrid Magazine February 2017 | Page 25

remembered a vocal toning workshop mum had dragged me along to when I was a teen and started to make “ ahhh ” and “ ohh ” and “ eee ” sounds with the sound of the bowl . All of a sudden all of my thoughts and insecurities fell away and all I was left with was my voice and the sound of that beautiful resonant bowl !
I demanded that that bowl was to be played during every contraction after that ! During this birth I felt focused , in control , intuitive , powerful and even playful ! Little Kira was born just as the sun rose 4 hours later .
Not long after this experience I started sharing SoundBirth with expectant couples and birth professionals in Perth and a few more around the world . There have been a number of SoundBirths in hospitals and at homebirths and they have all reported similar positive experiences .
Knowing that I am contributing to the positive birth movement around the world by sharing tools that support women to find their voice , feel their power and birth their babies gently gives me great joy . I also feel that continuing to teach SoundBirth assists in my own healing process as I know how painful it is to hold back your truth , your voice .
I love giving women “ permission ” to use the most powerful and healing instrument in the Universe …. their voice . This is what I am passionate about and what therefore gives me the energy to continue to share SoundBirth with the world !
soundbirth . com . au
facebook . com / soundbirth