by Ildiko Scurr
he historic town of Christ-
church is a beautiful setting,
boasting a Norman priory
dating from 1094 AD, a
ruined castle from the same
period and two rivers; the
Avon and the Stour. This is
where a truly special shop can be
found that has only been open for 5
months. Mundo (meaning World in
Spanish) is owned by Pauline Iveson
and Mike Wood, a married couple
who have a passion for travel and for
being fair to people and the planet.
Mike tells me, ‘We did an environ-
mental studies degree whilst travelling
and we got into Fairtrade. Fairtrade
is an organisation which promotes
fairer trading conditions for disadvan-
taged producers in developing coun-
tries and ensures a fair price is paid
for their products as well as a premi-
um for them to invest in their business-
es and communities in order to
achieve sustainable livelihoods.’
Pauline continues, ‘Recognising that
there are as many issues with poverty
and inequality at home as abroad,
when we raise money for Fairtrade
we split it and give some to local
charities such as Christchurch Food
Bank ( a local organisation which
puts together food parcels for those
who are struggling financially) There
have been years and years of
exploitation by richer countries and
we both feel that we would like to
help redress that.’
Pauline worked with the local
Fairtrade Campaign Committee to
attain Fairtrade status for Christchurch
back in 2014 and the campaign is
ongoing today with community events
and liaising with schools and busi-
nesses locally.
statement in the community with it’s gorgeous
colourful wares made mostly from recycled
materials. From jewel-coloured lacquered coco-
nut shell bowls from Vietnam to jewellery and
clocks made from tiny pencils and frames from
recycled bicycle gear chains and keys from
India, their shop is packed full of items that just
make you go...Oooh wow!
Not only mouthwatering items to brighten up
your home but they also stock ranges of top
healthy food like Booja Booja ice cream, Seeds
of Change and Divine chocolate and Grumpy
Mule coffee. Gorgeous…sustainable…deli-
Mundo is certainly making a bold Pauline explains, ’We only buy from an umbrella
organisation called BAFTS ( British Association
of Fair Trade Suppliers) they check all suppliers
adhere to the 10 principles of Fairtrade. Fair
Trade is us being fair to the people making
things and also being fair to the planet so they
have the same ethos, they want to be fair too.
So they are using recycled products where they
can, partly because it is something they can use
which is available to them, something they can
make money from so they are aware that it is not
trashing the planet and recycling is a big part of
that. We are one step removed from nature and
they are not, they are living it all the time. Our
idea of nature is to go to the supermarket. They
are more in tune with what is going on the
planet and they are more affected by it.’
Local opinion is very positive, ‘A lot of people
say it is so nice to have somewhere in our com-
munity where we can buy really nice things and
is not selling the standard high street fayre.’ One
lady got so inspired when she came into Mundo
that she got involved and has recently taken over
several roles on the committee. ‘Ideally we
would love to be able to leave the shop in the
capable hands of a manager and travel to do
more voluntary work. One of our worries was
that if we left the area, it would stop but now we
feel confident that it will continue.’
For now, their vision is to focus on the aim of
their shop to promote Fairtrade in the wider
awareness locally. They have certainly put them-
selves on the map already.