Doctor of Chiropractic
Master ’ s Degrees Clinical Nutrition
Sport Health Science
Five Tracks : - Exercise and Sport Science - Sport Injury Management
- Sport Coaching - Nutrition and Sport Science - Chiropractic Sport Science
Online Master ’ s Degrees Positive Psychology
Two Tracks : - Coaching Psychology - General Psychology
Bachelor ’ s Degrees Biology
Biopsychology Business Administration
Computer Information Management
Culinary Nutrition
Dietetics Exercise Science Health Coaching Human Ecology
Interdisciplinary Studies Nutrition
The world needs more chiropractors . We need to change health care . It starts with us . We are the future !
So , get started today by becoming a LIFEforce Doctor . Visit LIFEforce . LIFE . edu / Membership to sign up , and we ’ ll help you along the way as we grow the chiropractic profession together .
LIFEforce . LIFE . edu / Membership
Associate Degrees
Computer Information Management
Health and Wellness
Online Undergraduate Degrees A . S . Health and Wellness
B . S . Biology B . S . Interdisciplinary Studies
B . S . Psychology
Degree-Seeking Program
Pre-D . C . ( online and on campus )
Non-Degree Seeking Postbaccalaureate Program
Dietetic Internship
1269 Barclay Circle Marietta , GA 30060 LIFEforce . LIFE . edu LIFEforce @ LIFE . edu
Director of LIFEforce : Magi A . Rodgers 678-331-4331 | Magi . Rodgers @ LIFE . edu
June 2021