Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 67

50 Life Without Conflict
of them when they get old . Why do people grow mango trees ? To eat the mangos ! But let me tell you what kind of a mango tree the children of today are . They will bear only two mangos of their own and will ask their parents for two more ! Therefore , do not have any expectations of them .
A man came to me one day and said that his son had asked him whether he should send him a hundred rupees every month . He said he told his son , “ Son I do not need your Basmati rice ( luxury food ), I get a crop of millet ( basic simple food ) that sustains me . Now why would I start such new business of this kind ? I am satisfied with what I have .”
Be a Friend
Questioner : Should we think of our children as our guests ?
Dadashri : There is no need to do that . There is one way to improve your children , be a friend to them . I adopted this behavior at a very young age . I have maintained friendships with the young and the old . Nurture a friendship with your children . Children are looking for love but they do not find that love . Then they suffer in silence , they can neither talk to anyone nor can they bear the suffering . I have a solution for the troubled youngsters of today . I have directions as to how to guide them . The love , which has manifested within me , is such that it will neither increase nor decrease . That which increases or decreases is not love , but infatuation . That which does not increase or decrease is pure love . Everyone will surrender to such love . I do not want to control anyone and yet everyone surrenders to this love . I am merely instrumental in the process .
The Dawn of Religion
Questioner : Why is religion declining in this new generation ?