Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 25
Life Without Conflict
that are not necessary and because of that one’s inner
happiness has diminished. The Lord had said it is acceptable if
there is a difference of five to ten percent between their inner
happiness and external happiness, but here we have a
difference of ninety percent and that will not do. This big a
difference is unnecessary and will eventually kill you, but you
will have to suffer in the process. Today so many necessities
have been created.
People get worried if the shops were to close for an hour.
If you ask them what they need and why they worry, they will
say they want some ice cream and cigarettes. Is this not
increasing one’s dependency on unnecessary things? It is
because people do not have internal happiness that, they go
searching for it in material things. Whatever internal happiness
there once was, is now gone. Do not destroy your inner
happiness. People have squandered away this inner happiness,
so how can it express? Which is better, to live a natural life or
a pretentious one? Youngsters imitate each other. Why should
we imitate others? We should be ourselves; people from other
countries should imitate us. But a few hippies came to our
country and we now imitate them. How can you call this living?
People complain when there is a shortage of refined
sugar and brown sugar. Why must you complain about food?
As long as you have a stomach, you will manage to find food
to eat. You will find enough food to satisfy each tooth. What
kind of teeth do you have? There are teeth for tearing, cutting
and chewing; nature provides you with everything. And how
wonderful are your eyes? Could you find such eyes even if you
paid millions of dollars? No, you could not. Some people
complain even when they have a million dollars. They do not
realize the worth of all the precious things that nature has given
them. A person can be content if he simply learned to value just
his eyes.