Life University Staff Council Newsletter Volume 8 Issue 3 | Page 3
Submitted by: Travis Thans, Exercise Science major, Personal
trainer and senior group fitness instructor
Chair Yoga was recently offered as a workshop at the
Faculty Staff Development Programs (both Week 0
and Week 7), allowing staff and faculty to stretch and
unwind even while wearing professional attire. Some
of the Staff Newsletter team members attended chair
yoga and thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, it seemed that
everyone who attended enjoyed the hour of relaxation
and stretching. We asked LIFE student Travis Thans,
who led the Chair Yoga session at FSDP, to share
some stretches with us that staff could do at work or
home. We hope these will be helpful to you!
Topas Stretch (great for posture)
1. Begin with hands in a prayer position in front of your body.
2. I nhale deeply through the nose and exhale while
simultaneously separating hands and moving your arms
away from your body toward your backside.
3. E
nsure your palms are facing the ceiling and arms are
straight and level with the shoulders.
4. H
old position for several deep breathes and repeat as
many times as desired.
Tip: Once in position, inhale and exhale deeply while aiming
to bring your arms farther behind you.
Sitting Side Stretch (great for stretching the back)
1. B
egin by sitting tall and inhaling deeply while
simultaneously raising both hands over head straight up
toward the ceiling and exhale.
2. I nhale and exhale while dropping one arm to the side and
bending to that side.
3. S
tretch the arm as far as you can, keeping it straight and
keeping your butt on the chair.
4. Continue breathing deeply and hold for five or more breathes.
Sitting Side Twist
1. B
egin by sitting tall and inhale deeply.
2. B
end forward at the waist reaching one palm to the
ground, and keep it between your legs.
3. E
xtend your other hand to the sky, expending and
stretching your chest while inhaling deeply.
4. Hold position for at least five deep breathes.
Tip: Use your hand on the ground for leverage to expand the
chest and stretch more.
NOTE: Ensure throughout all moves that you inhale deeply through the nose fully and exhale deeply through the mouth fully.