Visit universities and see for yourself This will be one of the most important steps in your decision making process . Go to Open Days , take the opportunity to speak to lecturers and staff and connect with current students and ask them about their experience at the university you are considering . Explore the buildings and imagine yourself there , can you see yourself living and studying there ? Make sure you take a checklist of questions and you think about what you want to get out of the day beforehand so that you make the most of the experience .
Campus university or city life ? Universities come in all shapes and sizes and it ’ s important to consider where you would feel most comfortable . Campus universities tend to be contained to one particular area , with student housing , shops and health care facilities all available on-site . They can vary in size so do some research into how many students are studying and living there at any one time . As well as campus universities , there are also those that are more city based which means that buildings and facilities are spread across a larger geographical area . This can also be appealing if you like the excitement of travelling around a larger city and experiencing life outside of the university itself . Again , this is something that is entirely dependent on you and might only become clear once you have attended a number of open days at universities that are located in diverse settings .
The majority of UK universities charge tuition fees of around £ 9,250 per year for a degree course for students living in England . The costs can vary , depending on your choice of university and course , so it ’ s a good idea to check the websites of the universities you are interested in .
The cost of your degree is initially covered by the Student Loans Company , which pays your university directly on your behalf . This means that there is no upfront cost for you and you only start paying for your degree once you have a job and are earning a certain amount per year . Currently ( in 2021 ) £ 27,295 .
9 % of any earnings above £ 27,295 will be used to pay back your tuition fee loan . This means that if you are earning £ 31,295 , the amount of salary from which 9 % will be deducted is £ 4000 . Your monthly repayment would therefore be £ 30 . The money is taken straight from your monthly pay packet and if you do not pay your loan off within 30 years it is cleared altogether .
To cover some of your living costs whilst you are at university , you can also apply for a maintenance loan which is paid out at the beginning of each term . The amount you get depends on a number of factors such as your household income , where you live and what you are studying . Most universities also offer scholarships to students based on academic achievements or personal circumstances . These are promoted widely on university websites so do your research and you might discover that there are extra funds available that you might be eligible for .
Details correct at time of going to print but can change . Please check websites below for up to date information .