Life Today Magazine Issue 1 | Page 4


Lifestyle Check

Lifestyle inflation is the increase in the amount expended by a person to support their needs . Lifted from the economic concept of inflation in commodities , with lifestyle inflation , a person spends more and more for the same need as he progresses in life .

Lifestyle inflation per se is not necessarily evil . After all , we work hard so we deserve something better , right ? YES . It ’ s just that lifestyle inflation takes a dangerous turn when the rate of our increase in spending substantially differs from the rate of increase in our income .
It has been cited by personal development coaches as one of the obstacles for maximizing one ’ s potential . As earlier illustrated , if the inflation is not controlled , it wreaks havoc on finances and daily incomes . A messed up financial life equals serious troubles in other areas . So before we get into serious trouble , here are ways to keep the inflation at a slow incline .
We all envision ourselves decked in better garments , lounging in better homes , living a better life . Hence , lifestyle inflation is normal . As we upgrade , keep moderation in mind . View your lifestyle from a higher perspective , seeing how it interplays with other aspects of your life . In every edition we cover personalities who impact on lives directly .
In this publication we focus on key pillars of our Life namely : Health , Food and Drinks , Family , Fitness & Lifestyle lastly but not least Entertainment . Trust our team to give the best of insights into the named areas both in the print and online edition - www . lifemagazine . co . ke .
Its Christmas season- a merry making time- but January loads as also fast approaching- with the unexpected KCPE early results everyone clearly understands the need to save for long life goal .
Living a great life costs less than we compute it to be- Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2017 .
Okumu S . Biko
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4 LIFE TODAY MAGAZINE Issue 1 , No . 001 / 17 / December 2016