The Women on Boards Network actively engages stakeholders for purposes of increasing the number of women sitting on Boards . In this regard , the Network avails its database to stakeholders when board opportunities arise .
The Founders
Calvin Nyachoti CS . Calvin Nyachoti is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and a Certified Public Secretary .
Nkirote Mworia Njiru FCS . Nkirote is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya and a Certified Public Secretary with a passion for corporate governance , standard setting , policy making and capacity building .
Rose Lumumba CS . Rose Lumumba is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya , Certified Public Secretary , Corporate Governance consultant and an accredited Executive Coach .
Catherine Musakali Catherine Musakali , LL . B , LL . M , FCPSK Chairman WOBN
FCS . Catherine Musakali is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya , a Governance Specialist , a Fellow of the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya and a past Chairman of the Institute .
The initiative aims at encouraging and accelerating diversity on Boards by ensuring that there is a pool of Board ready women , and that those women already sitting on boards have an avenue for networking and sharing experiences with a view to becoming better directors .
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