Life Management Life Management | Page 6

What combination of market and command systems do you believe creates an ideal mixed economy?

The ideal mixed economy is referred as the market economies with strong governmental system where there’s an ideal provision to their country. Some can see the market and the command system placed pole to pole, far away from each other. Some countries prefer to have a market system, the free decision one, while others prefer a command system, the one more like a dictatorship. Actually, at a command system, governments own land, capital and resources, and government is the one who determines where, how and when. Moreover, a mixed economy would imply advantages and disadvantages from each one of this systems. I can say in a simple way that the ideal mixed economy would imply the government to take care of our welfare, not the profit.

The government should be in charge of helping society overcome market failure, with all the profit we make. To make this work, society should have free-decision making on what businesses they wan to create and run as entrepreneurs. As they actually do, also keep taking care of monopolies and give access to people for their basic necessities. So, in this mixed economy would be private decisions on running businesses and public participation in production. More specifically, bringing in one of the most important topics economy manages, in order to decrease the unemployment rate in a market economy the solution is not to increase the taxes (as government normally do) because this can create an uncertain economy, but they should use the taxes in subsidiaries to increase small businesses and as consequence more competition. We can see that there are countries such as Denmark, that is manages by a command system where taxes are very high, and people talk about that country that enjoys low unemployment and steady economic growth. This way if someone there loses its job, they can collect unemployment insurance for up to four years. I believe this is what makes other people miserable. If you decide just to lose your job or quit because you have guaranteed a four year break, then the society is ruined. What would actually happen if everyone decided no to work because there is enough money to cover their four years… Well, nothing good, because if people have these guarantee by paying high taxes, then there will be other who stop running a business. As Peterson, a man who spoke at “Denmark Thrives Despite High Taxes” : “Some people will take the opportunity to stay unemployed because they're paid to stay unemployed,” which means a slightly slower growing economy.

On the other hand, there’s evidence of big companies that by taking their own decisions, some get damaged, some benefited. “Walmart raised its prices a little to cover the extra health-care expenses. But higher prices would make Wal-Mart's shoppers bear the cost: Wal-Mart's low-income customers would, in effect, be paying a regressive new sales tax to pay for the employees,” added health benefits. This means we are paying with taxes their “lives.”