Life Management Life Management | Page 4



My final annual return is: 25.7% with an account vale of $101,961.44. So I had no loss.

The average monthly salary for a communicator in Mexico is from 8,500 to 15,000 pesos. I have a vision of a lifestyle just like the one I have today. I would need to start investing and/or saving for real at age 20. I think that beginning at age 20, I would need at least 3000 pesos a month to satisfy all my extra expenses.



I invested with no experience. I chose the companies that I knew as successful in our society and the ones that are most popular. I chose Netflix and Disney just because they have massive profit, but I made no research behind. Also, I invested in Tesla which gave me a lot of profit, without even knowing what that company was. It came to me the idea of investing on it because others spread the voice of a new product Tesla had.


If I had to start over I would make real research on the best rates for investing in companies. I would make research for successful strategies that will bring me a secure gain.