Life Leadership Weekend Student | Page 2

A LIFE Leadership Weekend Join us in Atlanta & we’ll take care of it from there. It’s a LIFE experience. As a participant you will: ■ ■ “My LIFE Leadership Weekend experience was life-changing! Not only did I get to talk with students and faculty, I also met other Pre-D.C. students just like me, who shared my passion for health and for helping people. The weekend taught us how to turn that passion into a life purpose. I’d recommend the LIFE Leadership Weekend to anyone considering a life and career in Chiropractic. It’s a great preview of what LIFE has to offer.” Navigate career paths and options at our workshop “Why Choose Chiropractic” Meet Life University President, Dr. Guy Riekeman ■ Interact with current students ■ Connect with faculty & staff ■ Tour the campus ■ Explore downtown Atlanta