Life Designer E - Mag April 2015 | Page 6

Life Designer, April 2015 Stuffed Green Pumpkin (Ghiya) Preparation of this dish is easy and efficient, because the beans cook on the stove top while the ghiya steams in the microwave. ACTIVE TIME: 30 MINUTES · TOTAL TIME: 35 MINUTES MAKES: 4 MAIN-DISH SERVINGS 1 TABLESPOON OLIVE OIL 1 JUMBO ONION (1 POUND), CUT INTO ¼ -INCH DICE 1 MEDIUM CARROT, PEELED AND CUT INTO ¼ -INCH DICE 2 GARLIC CLOVES, CRUSHED WITH GARLIC PRESS 1 ½ CUP RAJMA ¼ TEASPOON SALT ¼ TEASPOON COARSELY GROUND BLACK PEPPER 1 TABLESPOON CHOPPED FRESH BASIL 2 SMALL GHIYA 1 RIPE MEDIUM TOMATO, CUT INTO ¼-INCH DICE FRESHLY GRATED CHEESE (OPTIONAL) 1. In nonstick 12-inch skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat until hot. Add onion, carrot, and garlic, and cook until vegetables are tender and golden, about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add rajma, salt and pepper heat to boiling. Cover skillet and keep warm. 2. Meanwhile, cut each ghiya lengthwise in half. Ghiya halves in 3-quart microwavesafe baking dish. Cover and cook in microwave oven on High for 6 to 8 minutes, until ghiya is fork-tender. 5 3. Place ghiya halves, cut sides up, on platter. Fill each half with one-fourth of warm rajma mixture; sprinkle with tomato. Serve with Cheese, if you like. PER SERVING. (250 Calories) | 9G PROTEIN | 47G CARBOHYDRATE | 5G TOTAL FAT (1G SATURATED) 11G FIBER | 0MG CHOLESTEROL |520MG SODIUM . ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sweet Fruity frozen yogurt (Dahi) Served as a fruity dessert or snack, our creamy Sweet Fruit Of the Season Frozen Yogurt (Dahi) delivers a double dose of fruity flavor and only 1 gram of fat per serving. This formula works with other frozen fruit and fruit yogurt (Dahi) combos too — try cherry, raspberry, or strawberry. TOTAL TIME: 5 MINUTES MAKES: 2½ CUPS OR 4 SERVINGS In food processor with knife blade attached, process Fruit of the se