Life Coaching Wellness Coach Career Options 1 | Page 3

Careers as a Wellness Coach Now a trillion-dollar industry, wellness is related to emotions and environment, finances and occupation, mind and body, social and spiritual, all of which come together to create an overall picture of well-being, or sometimes lack thereof. Wellness coaches work with individuals to bring all of these factors into harmony, helping their clients create better lives from the inside out. Wellness involves turning fragmented pieces into a happy whole. In particular, wellness coaches can focus on values, environments, skills, practices and more that help their clients find the balance and fulfillment they’re seeking. Through their work with others, wellness coaches promote optimal health, motivate their clients to take charge of their health and wellness, work with medical and psychiatric professions to help people heal, combine coaching with weight-loss, stressmanagement or other goal-seeking programs, and integrate fitness and nutrition into their overall wellness coaching. In a nutshell, wellness coaches work to help their clients feel better, look better, think better, move better, act and react better, and do better. Wellness truly is all about a better quality of life, which is why wellness coaching offers a terrific career opportunity for those passionate about healthy living. Wellness coaches bring together the best of life coaching, fitness coaching, green living, sound nutrition, exercise and stress management to help others. They can do so in a home or office-based practice, work with clients one-on-one or in small groups, offer wellness coaching workshops or programs through health clubs, gyms and spas, or provide seminars in person or online on various wellness-related topics. Other career opportunities for wellness coaches include TV and radio shows and appearances, books and ebooks, operating a wellness center and even becoming a