Life Coaching Wellness Coach Career Options 1 | Page 13

Careers as a Mind Body Fitness Coach Most people today recognize that the mind influences the body and the body influences the mind. If you’re running a marathon and want to give up on mile 22, it is both the mind and the body that will take you to the finish line. If you’re hoping to complete an online master’s degree before you turn 25, you will need a strong mind and body to follow through on your goal. In truth, a strong body and mind will help you financially, professionally, personally, spiritually, emotionally – you name it. When the mind and body are both strong, calm and clear, you can achieve almost anything. And that’s where mind body fitness coaches come in. A mind body fitness coach certification is ideal for fitness professionals, massage therapists, Reiki practitioners, life coaches, physical therapists, hypnotherapists, gym owners, fitness counselors and anyone else who is interested in helping others enjoy greater mind-body wellness. It can be a great addition to any related career or a fascinating career on its own. In essence, mind body fitness coaches work with clients to help them harness the dual powers of their mind and body to create overall fitness, health and happiness. This coaching can be delivered in person, online, over the phone, one-on-one, in small or large groups, via ebook or book, newsletter or news conference. Mind body fitness coaches can work with athletes preparing for a big event, teens looking to overcome self-confidence issues, yoga students hoping to enhance their practice or add more meditation, adults stuck in careers that aren’t meeting their goals or expectations, individuals looking to lose weight, various special populations and more.