LIFE A Tribute | Page 2



Mothers. Who are these people? Where do they get their strength from? Why is their path carved in golden steps of immense love, courage, perseverance, patience and heart made of pure nectar?

I am a proud son of such a mother. A person whose Love & Blood runs in my viens. A person who I have taken for granted in so many ways. But she has always held her love high for me, NO MATTER WHAT. Her tears have been ignored by me so many times. But her unconditional care for me has never changed, NO MATTER WHAT.

A tiny fetus I was. Today, a grown man. Between this, 9 months and 33 years have gone by. Every single day of this life, my life, has been blessed by, has been prayed for, has been taken care of, has been truly loved, BY MY MOM.

Never a day passes away when I don't think of what you have sacrificed for me to make me a man I am today.