0BChapter 1 – Introduction
By educating yourself about uterine fibroids, you open the door to a lifetime of
improved well being and better health without the pain, annoyance, frustration
and costs associated with living with and treating your condition.
My only aim in writing this book was to help you reach your goal – to eliminate
your uterine fibroids permanently and clear up all your confusion about the
steps you are required to take to achieve that goal. If this book helps you
succeed in eliminating your uterine fibroids, then this book is a success with or
without the accolades.
By following the Fibroids Miracle™ System, the vicious and destructive cycle
of drugs, creams, over-the-counter products and futile costs is stopped. Now
is the time for you to exercise your natural right to open the door to a uterine
fibroid-free life.
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