‘ As soon as the slaves were taken aboard , the men were shackled two by two , the right wrist and ankle of one to left wrist and ankle of another . The men were packed together below deck and were secured by leg irons . The space was so cramped they were forced to crouch or lie down . Women and children were kept in separate quarters , sometimes on deck , allowing them limited freedom of movement , but this also exposed them to violence and sexual abuse from the crew .’ http :// lancashirehistorytours . co . uk / blog / 2013 / 04 / 10 / the-slave-trade-in-liverpool /
Black Achievers Wall http :// www . liverpoolmuseums . org . uk / ism / collections / legacies / blackachieverswall / names . aspx
‘ As soon as the slaves were taken aboard , the men were shackled two by two , the right wrist and ankle of one to left wrist and ankle of another . The men were packed together below deck and were secured by leg irons . The space was so cramped they were forced to crouch or lie down . Women and children were kept in separate quarters , sometimes on deck , allowing them limited freedom of movement , but this also exposed them to violence and sexual abuse from the crew .’ http :// lancashirehistorytours . co . uk / blog / 2013 / 04 / 10 / the-slave-trade-in-liverpool /