Library website : http :// libguides . ecolejeanninemanuel . org / welcome / Library catalogue : https :// ecolejeanninemanuel . follettdestiny . com /
Ecole Jeannine Manuel La newsletter du CDI Mars 2017
Library website : http :// libguides . ecolejeanninemanuel . org / welcome / Library catalogue : https :// ecolejeanninemanuel . follettdestiny . com /
Literary Festival , 2017 edition
Authors and literary VIPs will be making presentations for all grade levels to spread literary edification and cheer . This year ’ s line-up includes authors , storytellers , musicians and our ever-popular Manga / Comic contest , featuring original student work , and great prizes . Celebrate literature and reading with us . Links for the Literary Festival 2017 : VIP biographies and programme . ---------------------------------------------------------------- Big readers !
Our students and staff have signed out over 7800 items since January 1st . And since the beginning of the school year , the total number of circulations stands at over 22 990 ! These record-breaking numbers bear witness : our students are big readers . The library is thrilled to feed this passion for books , and to contribute to the cultural and intellectual life of the school .
Library hours / Horaires CDI ( 70 rue du Théâtre ) Lundi , mardi , jeudi : 8h30 – 17h30 Mercredi , vendredi : 8h30 – 17h00 52 rue Lourmel ( 1ère / Ter ) Lundi - vendredi : 9h – 18h00