About Libertatem
The Libertatem Magazine is a Law Magazine
launched by The Law Brigade, a startup of two
students from Institute of Law, Nirma University,
Union Budget 2015-16:
Tipping the scales?
Ahmedabad; Ankita Ranawat & Rahul Ranjan. The
Group's name, "The Law Brigade" should be taken
as a fire brigade which reaches where there is fire.
The fire which is present in the law students and
Parley with the Pirates:
Justice R.R Tripathi
members of the legal arena. Libertatem is a latin
word meaning a sense of freedom of expression. It
channelizes this expression of the person who has
something to express irrespective of the fact that
what the CV of that person says, which is given a
Basic Structure & The
Independence of Judiciary
Armed Forces Special Power
Act: In the eyes of a student
build it. It provides a platform to people who have
Honour Killing: A Social Evil
Real Regulatory Body:
PNGRB or the CCI
very high value and everybody is in a rat race to
something to express for the welfare of the
community at large. A joint effort of students and
deadly law this a medium for the maximum
utilisation by all of you.
Through this platform students will be getting to
AIB Roast: Is it protected
under Freedom of Speech &
know about the talk of the town of the legal arena,
Legal Prostitutes: Cry of the
Indian Wives
there for welfare. People will also get to know about
Arbitration - An Alternative
to Litigation
interviews which in turn are a message will be there
call for papers, MUN’s taking place and other
related things which a student should do and are
the ideas of the eminent personalities as there
in the magazine itself. A picture gallery is also
waiting for you all which will be having a greater
Forest Rights Act towards
it’s Dusk
So, to broaden the scope of your knowledge and to
get out of stereotype journals this is an arena for
you all to express and get impress.
*Disclaimer - The views expressed in the
articles of this Issue are the personal views of
(C) All Rights Reserved by The Law Brigade Group
authors and are purely informative.