Libertatem Magazine Issue 1 | Page 15

not and cannot exist a sovereign enforcing body. So in order to deal with this problem the international community needs to use its bilateral and multilateral ties to pressurize those who murder the childhood. The pressure created by International community can only lead to the enforcement and adhering of the International Law. It is the entire humankind which has to awake to awaken the conscience of those who deprive the children of the spring of their life- The childhood. Notwithstanding the notoriety of the American Imperialism and Neo-Liberalism in this regard, we seek to establish here that children across the Globe should be kept aloof from this climate of barbarism. We're grooming a hateful generation filled with vengeance, rage, fear psychosis (in reasonable proportions) and the desire to exercise power on the other when given a chance. We are depriving this World of intellect and the craving for Justice for all. We've sought to redefine Justice, time and again, within the spectrum of the self. That selective dispensation of the words 'Justice', 'Freedom', 'Equality' has come to wreak havoc over the mindset of the younger generation. We really need to shift the burden of this debate onto ourselves instead of stealing the lustrous smiles. The sooner we take this seriously, the better. 7