Liberation Special | Page 9

For Rwandans , France Is a Fallen Deity

Mushimire Olivier

Almost all the Greek myths we learned in secondary school were pervaded by stories that showcased the relationship between the gods and humans . Generally , Greek mythology views life along the line of tragedy . There was no escape to the human destiny determined by the gods or by fate and heroes were individuals who struggled , often vainly but sometimes successfully , against supernatural powers that controlled their fate . One of the most interesting of all the Greek figures was Sisyphus , whose story relates the antagonistic relations between France and post genocide Rwanda .

Sisyphus is commonly known as a Greek king that angered the gods and was condemned eternally to repeatedly push a huge rock up a hill only to have it roll down again . However , there is more to Sisyphus than that . First , Sisyphus founded the city of Corinth , which became one of the most important cities in ancient Greece . He was credited with the prosperity of Corinth , which grew and became famous for its merchants and ships ; we also learn how critics from other cities portrayed him as a dictator .
Sisyphus , oil on canvas by Titian , 1548 – 49 ; in the Prado Museum , Madrid . Heritage Image Partnership Ltd ./ Alamy
Second , it is often said that Sisyphus angered the gods ; but the real story is that Zeus , the king of gods , sent Thanatos the god of death to kill Sisyphus ; Sisyphus , however , managed to cheat death . For a period ,