Lexpress Trends-Residential and agricultural N° 1 - August 2022 | Page 12


The data presented by LexpressProperty . com is based on statistics retrieved by Google Analytics during the period April 2021 to March 2022 . We also use the data recorded by the site ’ s search engine , i . e . approximately 135 million page views , while the site ’ s traffic is approximately 2,484,128 visits during this period . It is an analysis of the demand in the real estate market in Mauritius , with a local target of 70 % and a foreign of 30 %.
Google Analytics | April 2021 - March 2022

222 M

3 875 240

Market Trends ’ research relies on all real estate transactions from June 2020 to December 2022 . This report excludes IRS , PDS , RES , IHS , and transactions involving a foreign buyer .
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T : 5 479 2139 Linkedin : Market Trends Mauritius
T : 202 6060 E : contact @ mcb . mu