Lexpress Property Magazine N°53 Juin-Juillet 2019 | Page 14

ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER Co-working - Located in prime location in Medine Mews- Port Louis- Parking facilities. Fully furnished economic solution Office 534 - Economic office solution - Prime location in Medine Mews Port Louis - Can accommodate up to 2 people. Office 503 - Prime location in Medine Mews Port Louis - fully furnished, Can accommodate up to 2 people. As from Rs 6 090 + VAT As from Rs 8 290 + VAT As from Rs 21 330 + VAT ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER Office 528 - Located in prime location in Medine Mews- Port Louis- Parking facilities. Fully furnished, this office can accommodate up to 3 people. View on the rue de la chaussée / caudan Office 509 - Located in prime location in Medine Mews- Port Louis- Parking facilities. Economic office solution - Fully furnished, this office can accommodate up to 4 people. Office 506 - Located in prime location in Medine Mews- Port Louis- Parking facilities. Fully furnished, this office can accommodate up to 4 people. View on the ‘’Jardin de la compagnie’’ As from Rs 21 330 + VAT As from Rs 23 580 + VAT As from Rs 32 040 + VAT ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER Office 417 - prime location in Ebene, fully furnished, can accommodate up to 3 people. Team Room - Economic team room / Office Fully Furnished - Prime location in Ebene - Can accommodate up to 10 people. Office 505 - Executive office, located in prime location in Medine Mews - Port Louis- Parking facilities.Fully furnished, this office can accommodate up to 5 people. Private balcony access As from Rs 35 370 + VAT As from Rs 48 870 + VAT As from Rs 58 860 + VAT ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER Office 801 - prime location in Ebene, Executive office fully furnished, can accommodate up to 6 people. Office 411-412 - prime location in Ebene, fully furnished, can accommodate up to 10 people. As from Rs 67 140 + VAT As from Rs 86 760 + VAT ALL INCLUSIVE OFFER • Registered Business Address • Dedicated telephone number • 2 hours free community meeting room / day ( maximum 4 people) • Unlimited Business lounge access worldwide -3000 locations • Reception services ( Monday to Friday 8am to 5 pm) • Kitchen facilities • Electricity • Internet • Cleaning • 24 /7 security access NOUS APPELER : +230 403 4334 | Nicolas : +230 5 715 5000