Lexington January Newsletter | Page 8


The Superintendent ’ s Cut

This Fall season is quickly turning into a winter-wonderland and the LGCC maintenance team is still hard at work ! With the season ’ s first snowfall of the year coming earlier in the month , both temperatures and winter precipitation are dropping .
As many of the golfers have noticed , the greens were deep tine aerified in the later part of November . This cultural practice was conducted in order to shatter the hard pan surface located approximately 6 ” below the surface . Shattering this layer will help promote a deeper root base , which will help in the heat of summer , help exchange gas and allow more surface penetration from rain and overhead irrigation events . These will all benefit the overall health and playability of the greens during the winter and spring seasons .
As the colder temperatures have hit , the maintenance team has begun to shift from maintaining and mowing grass to beginning projects and special course work . Over the next few months the team will begin projects around the property which will include detail work around the tee monuments , clubhouse grounds and other areas .
The LGCC maintenance team would like to wish everyone here at the club a safe and happy holiday season ! We would also like to thank the members for a great golf season and are working hard to keep improving the course for 2021 !
Best Wishes ,

Jake Valintino
