Leveraging Technology FY24 Q1


Leveraging Technology

In This Issue
Page 1 October is Cyber Security Month
Page 2 Page 3
City of Arlington Successfully Launches the Workday Platform for Human Resources and Payroll
Page 4
Nationwide Test of Integrated Public Alert and Warning System | Social Media by the Numbers


City of Arlington ’ s Mayor Jim Ross signed a proclamation declaring October as Cybersecurity Month ! The City ’ s Information Technology Department , Information Security and Privacy Office encourages our community to stay vigilant and informed by using the best practices shared Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency ( CISA ), “ Secure Our World ” campaign : https :// www . cisa . gov / cybersecurity-awareness-month .
Furthermore , thank you to the dedicated City of Arlington public servants ! From public safety services to delivering clean water , our workforce plays a pivotal role in securing our essential services .

Let ’ s remember - it ’ s not just about technology ; it ’ s about community .

So , here ’ s to a secure , connected , and thriving Arlington .

Let ’ s secure Arlington together !

Connect with us on social media : www . arlingtontx . gov
| www . myarlingtontx . com