Leveraging Technology FY24 Q1 | Page 3

( continued from page 2 )
IT ’ s Change Management team identified departmental representatives for the Agents of Change and Engagement ( ACEs ) team .
The ACEs increased workforce awareness by sharing updates and communicating with peers across the organization .
Beginning in the Spring of 2023 , the project team continued with project activities that included the development of workforce training materials and equipping a training room with technology for hands-on training opportunities .
The dedicated ACEs provided an additional communications conduit for reaching our workforce . The ACEs capitalized on the opportunity to become familiar with the system through hands-on access which afforded the opportunity to review the business processes . The talented HR Organizational Development team coordinated with the various system functional areas , Human Capital Management , Compensation , Benefits , Absence , Payroll , and Recruiting . The team provided multiple training opportunities that included , but not limited to : self-paced online training , instructional videos , live Teams sessions , step-by-step job aids , inperson HR training , and department-tailored sessions . The Change Management team created approximately 60 workforce job aids , hosted 68 training sessions , and 12 training videos .
During the Summer of 2023 , the project team remained on task with the various configuration activities , balancing day-to-day operations with the project and extended work hours focused on delivering the new system by September 2023 . The technical team collaborated and with input from various City departments created 66 custom reports and established 46 system integrations .
The City of Arlington ’ s Workday project team achieved the goal of delivering a functional system by September 2023 . The extraordinary effort , determination , perseverance , and Arlington “ Can Do ” spirit is reflected in the transformational execution and delivery of Workday HR and Payroll .
A survey conducted by the HR Organizational Development team during the recent Employee Health Fair is reflective of the effectiveness and excellence delivered by the City of Arlington ’ s Project Team , partners Accenture , and IJA Strategies . Congratulations TEAM !