Lets Talk: BIG August 2013 | Page 12

Words of Inspiration

from Amerie Love

(Executive Chief Editor and Creator)

Media plays a huge role in how people portray themselves in today's society. Society thinks if you are petite, then you are sexy, and any other body type is not. Here's the good news though! Media is discriminating, harsh, & completely untrue about body image. How is that good news? Let me explain.

First and foremost, everybody is different. We were born to stand out, and made to not look like everyone else. We as individuals are very unique. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and races. There is no specific look sexier than another. There is not a size sexier than another, because everyone is beautiful in their own way. I do personally believe, with an open mind and loving heart, that everyone has their own kind of sexy about them. Whether it is the person's eyes, smile, personality, confidence, the way they carry themselves, etc.. Everyone possesses beauty.

Each individual has one advantage over everyone else. Can you guess what it is? If not, here it is. It's you. YOU are the advantage over everyone else, you know why? It's simple. There is only one of YOU in this world and no one can be you. You are unique, special, very loved in this world, and you are beautiful. No one can be you better than yourself. It's okay to be your own best friend and to love yourself, and every inch of you. Whether you are petite or "fluffy", it's your body, it's you. YOU are a rare kind, because there is only one of you! One must love themselves, and learn that they are worthy of the best.

If you find yourself in a position where someone else doesn't realize your worth, then that says something about them and NOT YOU. By the other person not seeing your worth, that says one thing. THEY are not worthy of having YOU, because you ultimately deserve BETTER. You know why? It's because you're worth it. Love your curves, embrace your curves and if you want, flaunt it too! You are sexy, you are beautiful. Take a good look in the mirror, and what do you see? You see a QUEEN/KING. You see a very beautiful person on the inside and out. You also see a person, who is worthy of the best, and the best will always be self love and self respect.

From the mind of Amerie Love

Let's Talk: BIG Words of Inspiration