Let's Go! Aerospace — Issue No. 6 Spring 2024 | Page 17

Airplane mode can slow down how fast your battery drains by around 10 percent ; if you don ’ t turn it on while flying , your battery will continue to drain even if you ’ re not using it .
On a more persuasive note , airplane mode allows you to avoid any roaming charges you might accidentally pick up , even if not using it , and these fees can be expensive . Roaming charges occur when your phone keeps connecting to networks that aren ’ t yours .
Now we know a few things about airplane mode , but some airlines offer Wi-Fi on flights . What ’ s that about ?
Well , Wi-Fi depends on a router to function , and will automatically connect to such , whilst cellular data does not . The way in-flight Wi-Fi works is cool , too . The router for an airplane is located underneath the plane , and as it flies , connects with transmitters near itself . This then allows the passengers inside to connect to the router that ’ s picking up the other signals . This connection doesn ’ t have nearly as high a risk of accidentally interfering with the plane ’ s navigation systems , so it ’ s generally safe for passengers to use .
In all honesty , the chances of one passenger ’ s refusal to turn on airplane mode will most likely not do much of anything to an airplane . This doesn ’ t mean that you should completely disregard what you ’ re told to do during the introductions , because after all , the crew does know what they ’ re talking about . I believe the moral of the story is that although airplane mode doesn ’ t seem like a big deal , it ’ s still important to respect the crew and airlines . Make sure your phone isn ’ t going to accidentally cause any problems — and download those playlists — making sure you ’ re set for the flight beforehand !
SPRING 2024 — ISSUE NO . 06 17