Drone soccer was first invented in South Korea , where thousands of teams now participate , and is gaining popularity internationally . This aerial competition is played with drones in spherical cages during a game that looks like Quidditch , from the Harry Potter movies . Five pilots on each team stand safely outside a rectangular playing area contained by protective steel cables , controlling their drone with a radio . One special drone on each team , called the ” striker ,” is allowed to score goals and is marked with red lights and flags . Every other position is either blocking or defending its own goal from the opposing team ’ s striker . The striker pilot for each team tries to score the most goals during three-minute sets , and the winner of the match is best out of three .
Makayla is her team ’ s ” keeper ,” who ensures their goal is defended as the other team ’ s “ forward ” smashes into them like bowling pins . The other members of her team are Alden Mendrey ( striker ), Xavier Culp ( Forward ), Nathan McDonough ( forward ), Jonathan Villalobos ( center ), Luis Lechuga ( sweeper ), Charlotte Bertanzetti ( sweeper ), and Helen Tran ( keeper ). While five students are rotated through flying as active pilots , the rest are hard at work like a Formula One pit crew . This all-star roster was chosen from top high school teams from the Colorado league , representing Westminster High School , Cherry Creek High School , and Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum .
While most of the team has played drone soccer for over two years , they were comfortable with the smaller 20cm diameter aircraft used at middle and high schools in America . This was their first time competing with the more powerful 40cm aircraft used by colleges and international teams , and for most of them , their first time traveling overseas .
WINTER 2024 — ISSUE NO . 05 11