Let's Go! Aerospace Issue No. 4 — Fall 2023 | Page 8

“ What do you want to be when you grow up ?” Kids hear this question starting in preschool , and they usually answer with the career that their parents have , or something they saw on television . Some kids dream of being a doctor or an actor from the time they could talk , and others change their dream job daily . But what we should be asking is , “ What do you want your life to be like when you grow up ? What happens outside of your work ?” Airway Science for Kids ( ASK ) strives to help students answer this question with the ACCESS program . ACCESS is an acronym which stands for Aerospace College and Career Exploration Selection Systems .
The ACCESS program started as the brainchild of Executive Director of Airway Science for
Kids , Julia Cannell . Julia ’ s father was an airline pilot , so she grew up with aviation from a very young age . She got her degree in flight technology and an MBA in aviation . Aviation is her entire world .