Let's Go! Aerospace Issue No. 3 — Summer 2023 | Page 15

It is a shame that this plane will not provide us any opportunities to take a ride on such a unique jetliner , but aircraft designed to provide surreal flight experiences and even be capable of flying into space are being designed . They are not for the public and are currently used primarily for astronomical and military purposes , but who knows , one day it might be normal go into space .
So , if people are not traveling on this plane , what was this crazy vehicle designed to transport ? Well , the answer is that it has been made to transport multiple hypersonic vehicles called ALTO Rockets .
These rockets are made to carry satellites into an orbit closer to Earth . They cannot carry giant satellites . These rockets are reserved for smaller satellites . The rockets are small , so they do not carry astronauts .
Now that we know just what The Stratolaunch does , a great question comes up . Is it difficult to fly ? Evan Thomas reported that the plane was “ really smooth ” and “ ran perfectly .” The touchdown was good , and the plane provided an enjoyable experience for the crew . The Stratolaunch CEO Jean Floyd watched the first flight , and he stated that

“ It was an emotional moment for me to personally watch this majestic bird take flight , and to see Paul Allen ’ s dream come to life in front of my very eyes .”
Even though the flight itself is pleasant , the aircraft requires a massive runway to land safely . Since the plane is so huge , all the takeoff and landing procedures require much more practice and space than a normal airplane would . Overall , the Stratolaunch is an incredible aircraft and a great advancement in our modern space and aviation journey ; I am excited to see how this aircraft will continue to expand upon its own capabilities .
SUMMER 2023 — ISSUE NO . 03 15