Let's Go Aerospace Issue No. 1 — Winter 2023 | Page 9

Other satellites in the payload ( the items packed into the Cubesat / breadbox satellite ) are doing the following :

1 . Using robotic arms to grab on to a host satellite and review the satellite for repairs by taking photos
2 . Monitoring space weather over earth ’ s poles and demonstrate a simulation and test platform for future Cubesat missions
3 . Test materials to shield space craft against radiation 4 . Collection of data on earth ’ s magnetic field
5 . Using lasers instead of radio waves to navigate in deep space
6 . Testing a 250-meter solar sail ribbon 7 . Reviewing plasma fluctuations in space
A variety of students at North Idaho STEM Charter Academy participated in this project throughout its mission . Some students , like you , may start as early as eighth grade and stay on the program throughout high school , while others may join for a year or two due to other clubs and programs they are involved with in high school .
They have set up job titles and descriptions and the students are responsible for their roles . Justin Kugler has been with the team for three years and graduated in May 2019 . “ I started as the spacecraft systems lead ; it was my job to know what was going on with satellite development , our communication team , and manufacturing partners . I have moved on to co-heading the student function of the team .” Justin attends Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University to pursue aeronautical science .
Student Samantha Schroeder is a co-lead on ground communications . “ I ’ m the one working with the ground station and tracking the satellite .” She was a freshman and hoped to gain skills from hands-on learning with the DaVinci Program .
Madelyn Zilm is another student who said , “ Our main goal is ‘ Lighting up minds around the world .’” She is responsible for social media planning — communication with mentors , teachers , and space ambassadors . She said they don ’ t communicate with the other nine partners directly , but they do hear from them on the regular NASA calls .
A freshman by the name of Basquiat Nelson was the logistics and ground stations lead , “ I take care of logistics for business cards , shirts , and tracking the satellite .” He liked attending local events and informing people about the DaVinci program . He felt their school was chosen for being hardworking , and said , “ Even with postponements we kept pushing forward .”
Long term they want to start taking photos with the satellite , which hasn ’ t been available to-date .
The students in the program were more than astute ; they seem to be inherently curious . They planned to continue to run the program for about two more years until the satellite “ enters the atmosphere and burns up in space ,” said Justin Kugler .
While the brunt of focus is on satellite management and fulfilling their mission of connecting with students around the world from space , these students are picking up communication and leadership skills that will solidly take them into the future , whether terrestrial or within the realm of space travel .
WINTER ISSUE — 2022 | 2023 — ISSUE NO . 01 9