Let's Get Creative Summer Edition | Page 7

Step One
The perfect addition to any garden party or boho scheme , this macramé bunting project from Bergin & Bath is so easy to make and relaxing too !
First of all , choose colours that go with your garden scheme or interior décor . We ' ve gone for a palette of four colours : cream , coral , teal and navy .
Or , if you want to create a clean , natural look , you could use just one single colour . It ' s totally up to you ! Decide how long you want it to be and then cut a length of cord for your bunting flags to hang from . Top Tip : wrap some sticky tape around the end of this long cord - it will make threading the beads on much easier !

Step One

Leave around 30cm at one end of your hanging cord and tie a simple knot . Thread a wooden bead onto the cord and slide it up to the knot . Secure it with a second knot . For each flag , cut your cord into 6 lengths of 70cm . Attach them to the hanging cord using reverse larks head knots .