Let's create a story! | Page 63

The next morning was as nasty as rainy weather. The night before his trip Oliver had been nervous and he had stayed up past his bedtime so he couldn’t wake up early and he didn’t catch the train on time. When he reached the main street of Dublin-O’Connell- a peaceful demonstration had been turned into a violent protest.

The crowd was furious. People were shouting and fighting with each other. Suddenly, a shaven head man grabbed Oliver’s camera and threw it on the ground. The reporter was very He frightened and fled. He knew Dublin very well and chose the safest route to escape: straight on Talbot street and then down Summerhill street. There he stopped to take a rest and catch his breath.

While he was leaning against the wall in the alley called Bella street, he saw the man who broke his camera. Oliver was scared because there was nowhere to hide. He looked around and spotted a shabby house squeezed between two abandoned premises. He pushed the door and it opened silently. Oliver came into the house and closed the door behind him. He kept still for a while, but nobody chased him.