Let's create a story! | Page 11


I save it just like our time spent together. Maybe we could meet and talk, I have heard you are doing well, now you are at the pinnacle of creation. Everyone just talks about you and your song "The Search".

Sorry, Jessica, but time is wrong. Maybe next timeā€¦ - replied Tom.

As he put the phone down, Tom slipped into his memory. He thought for a long time about lost love, humiliation, the meaning of life. The days and weeks flew. The producer kept calling, demanding new songs, having to attend concerts. But after an unexpected call inside Tom, something broke, leaving a void in the heart. After spending another sleepless night, Tom put things into his bag and left for the French province.

Tom settled on the oceanfront in a large, ancient house. He spent the evenings in silence and tranquility, distracted by the whirlwind of his mind, struggling with insomnia and nightmares. Early in the mornings, he watched the ocean, the rustling of the waves calmed down, and his thoughts and heart became calm. The town was small, but Tom liked it because he didn't want to communicate, he didn't want to be recognized. The producer kept calling and giving no peace. One morning, Tom answered his regular call unabashedly