His eyes were full of amazement as they flew above the roofs, decorated with lights. When he was enjoying the view, Santa asked in his calm voice:
Isn’t that beautiful? - David nodded his head. The child looked into Santa’s eyes and said:
-Maybe Chirstmas isn’t so bad after all?
After this question Santa laughed:
-Please, tell me, why was it bad for you? - Santa asked while raising his eyebrow.
-Well, long time ago there was a special thing, I wanted...
-What was it?
-It was a story book. I wanted it so badly, but my twin brother got it instead of me.
-Oh I see... Could you hold my reins so that we would stay on the track? I have something special for you. - Santa said gently and gave the reins to the boy. Meanwhile, Santa put his hand into the bag and starded looking for something in it.
Santa has found what he was looking for and he took out a book which David was talking about earlier. The boy was very surprised. He took the book with an amazement in his face, but then, the strong wind blew from the side and he couldn’t hold the balance and fell out from Santa’s sleigh.