LesterPrairieGuide24_Final | Page 22


Lester Prairie Business Association
Established in 1995 , the Lester Prairie Business Association ’ s primary goal is to promote a strong business community in Lester Prairie .
The LPBA provides a welcome packet for new residents , sponsors Santa at the LP Holiday Celebration , helps sponsor a spring fling and business expo , is one of the sposnors for Music in the Park , and sponsors a Halloween Business Treat or Treat .
The association meets on the third Tuesday of each month at noon at the Longhorns Burger House .
Lester Prairie Lions Club
The Lester Prairie Lions Club meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month at Longhorn ’ s Burger House or city hall , as a business dinner meeting at 6:30 p . m .
For more information , contact Lions secretary , Deb Lohse at ( 320 ) 237-2567 or by email at lesterprairielions @ gmail . com .
Ray Kirkpatrick American Legion Post 463
Open to any member of the service , currently active or honorably discharged .
The Post meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month at 7 p . m . at city hall . There are no meetings in July . New members are always welcome . Membership is $ 44 .
For more information , contact Post Commander Darvin Heldt at 320-223-2603 or Post Membership Chairman Jim Lindfors at 320-469-0475 .
To have a veteran ’ s name engraved on the Veterans Monument , call Veterans Monument Chairman Ralph Machemehl at 320-395-2246 . The only requirement to have a veteran ’ s name placed on the monument is an honorable discharge from active or reserve forces . The veteran can be alive or deceased . Check out the monument in Central Park .
American Legion Auxiliary Currently , about 20 members are strong , and the group meets the first Thursday of March ,
April , May , September , October , November , and sometimes in August and December , if needed , at the city hall at 1:30 p . m . Membership dues are $ 30 per year . To be a member , you must be a wife , mother , sister , daughter , granddaughter , greatgranddaughter , or grandmother of a member of the American Legion ; a female veteran who served in any of the following conflicts ( or the mother , wife , sister , daughter , granddaughter , greatgranddaughter , or grandmother of a deceased veteran who served during any of these conflicts ): Persian Gulf War , Panama , Grenada / Lebanon , Vietnam War , Korean War , World War II , World War I , or US Merchant Marines .
Any questions about eligibility may be directed to the auxiliary president at the number listed below .
Some of the events in which the auxiliary is involved include :
• each spring , sponsoring a fluff and puff pillow cleaning service at city hall for area residents ;
• Poppy Day in May , which supports local veterans ;
• Memorial Day program with the LP American Legion ;
• sending a representative of Lester Prairie High School junior class to the American Legion Girls State in June each year ;
• assisting with the bloodmobile when it is in town in June and November ;
• during the Lester Prairie annual garage sale days in September , offering tacos-in-a-bag at a food stand downtown ;
• Veterans Day program with the LP American Legion at the school ;
• honoring teachers and staff during American Education Week in November ;
• remembers our homebound veterans during November and December .
• decorates with a Christmas wreath at Veteran ’ s Memorial Park ; and
The auxiliary also donates to various veterans and school programs in McLeod County .
For more information , contact any auxiliary member or Auxiliary President , Audrey Litzau , 15 Hana St ., Lester Prairie , MN 55354 , 320-420-6631 , or litz @ mchsi . com .
22 Official guide to Lester Prairie 2024