Less Known, Clean, Low Cost, Abundant Energy Technologies & Related.. & Related World Changing Applications. | Page 21
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 14
Earth Mag Field, Micro Power
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:
4 RF Wave Rectenna: Geo Magnetic Field:(GMF):
GMF energy harvester type of products are well within easy commercialization by
using mainstream science accepted or tacitly non-debunked GMF energy
harvesting mechanics in multiplication. Some such examples are given in following
• a-Medical sensor energy harvester(Ferro Solutions Inc: Jiankang Huang, O'Handley
et al), b-Amplification of general ambient electric field time variance harvesting:
Alternating conductive and dielectric layer film coupled by capacitor of
resonance RLC circuit (Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor)(Tao & Owhadi): similar
mechanics as "Orgone energy accumulator" layering(p372)
• c-Even conservative mainstream science group admits solely GMF based static
electrical generation is possible by use of electro-conducting cylindrical shell of
manganese zinc ferite(Chyba & Hand+), d- Schumann freq level resonance focus
amplifying, using Casimir oscillation amplification type capability: Quantum
Oscillator(see next page "f"), e-Actually most of self charging Flashlight type device
energy scavenging can come from non earth resonance: high power line(50-60hz
etc), or radio wave(0.5-30mhz)/wifi(2-4ghz) induction etc, or completely different
harvesting methods can be combined. -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada