Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz Spring 2015 | Page 25

NEW MEXICO EL CACIQUE. GIVE THE GIFT OF LEARNING. OUR HISTORY IS THE BEGINNING.© LA MESILLA TRAVEL THE PASS. THE PASS OF THE NORTH ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU© : Home New Mex El Cacique Topics SILICON VALLEY MASTER MINDS OF 1957 THE TRANSISTOR © Travel The Pass The Pass Of The North© New Mexico Mesilla ■1955 -William Shockley founds Shockley Semiconductor Laboratories as a division of Beckman Instruments. ■1956 -William Shockley and two LA MESILLA Bell Labs colleagues are awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics “for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect.” NOBLE PRIZE OF 1956 Mesilla Plaza 1854 -In the cen- the United States and Mexico. ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU© New Mexico GISD The Gadsden Independent School District consists of twenty-three educational facilities and two administrative facilities, educating the children of southern Dona Ana County and Southern Otero county of New Mexico. Covering an area of 1400 square miles, the district educates approximately 14,200 students in programs stretching from preschool through the 12th grade. With three preschools and four high schools, the education of the students of southern New Mexico is our primary goal. Welcome to our district, rich in culture and great in education. We hope that your visit will inspire you. We encourage you to visit our schoo