Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz Spring 2015 | Page 17

LA VANGUARDIA Ideologia. DÉ EL REGALO DEL APRENDIZAJE. NUESTRA HISTORIA ES EL INICIO.© SAN ELIZARIO EL ARTE MEXICANO TRAVEL THE PASS. THE PASS OF THE NORTH ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU© : Home La Vanguardia e Ideologia Topics Travel The Pass The Pass Of The North© San Elizario Texas San Elizario (San Elceario, San Elzeario) is at the intersection of miles southeast of downtown El Paso in southern El Paso CounRio Grande at or near the site of present San Elizario on April 20, mal possession of New Mexico and all adjacent territory in the A settlement known as the Hacienda de los Tiburcios was founded at the site, then south of the Rio Grande, sometime before The San Elizario High School varsity cross-country team made history on November 8, 2014 when gles and their coaches Cesar Morales and Jorge Maese competed at the University Interscholastic League (UIL) Texas State Cross-Country ChampiElizario High School outscored 44 other teams were expected to commit to their training, which sleep every night, and monitoring their academic that level of discipline throughout the season, then there was nothing that could stop them from sidio, located in the Valle de San was moved to the Hacienda de los Tiburcios; the presidio kept its old name, however, and the settlement that grew up around it became known as San to personally talk to them and show them a little After Commissioners Court adopted and approved the resolution to recognize the team, they each year later, when the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo established “the deepest channel” of the Rio Grande as the boundary between Texas and Mexico, San Elizario lay on the Lower El Paso or Military Road from Corpus Christi to California, and hundreds of admiringly described the local peaches, plums, and wheat, and the wine produced from San Elizario grapes was held in high refantry under Jefferson Van Horne were stationed there from 1849 nized, San Elizario was selected periods a n d 1866, it remained t h e county s e a t until Mexican War of Independence from Spain, San Elizario became Mexican troops still occupied the as a nucleus for a town which by In 1830–31 the unpredictable Rio Grande changed course, placing San Elizario and its neighboring communities on La Isla, between the old and new channels of the - the Civil War troops of the California Column occupied the old presidio, but after the war it was haps the most notorious episode in the history of the town was the 1877 Salt War of San Elizario, in which several men died in a dispute over rights to the salt deposits just west of the Guadalupe Mountains, ninety miles to the - cold war becomes hot demarkation has been drawn on the campus of TWC, admittedly by Drawn on the only road that leads to the engineering buildings on the campus, the letters TCM appear on the side of the engineers and TWC on the academic side of the Early in 1949 when the in for heated discussion, mining students at the college immediately protested, and on March of the college of Mines at a downtown meeting to protest a change for On April 29, the University of Texas Board of Regents rapidly voted and approved changing the name to Texas Western ColBeauford Jester, then governor, signed the bill on May 20 and May 31, 1949, this was the last day the school operated under the name given the institution when it was primarily a mining and engineering -