Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language. Leon Metz 8th Anniversary Limited Edition | Page 5

Continued from previous page METZ -Leon w h y have y o u found southweste r n history fascinating enough to write 17 books and countless articles about? “I am fascinated by history. It was so different than what I grew up with back in West Virginia where I completed high school. The history here is different, unique, often individualistic. And there is so much of it. It is history that so much of the world has no idea about.” -L Metz 2011 Electric Rails -Considerable speculation exists in El Paso concerning the kind of electric railroad that is to be built here. Select surveys are now being made and people have begun to ask whether the line is to be operated by underground or overhead trolley. EP Chamber 1918 -Last year, 1917, was the most prosperous in the Chamber of Commerce’ History. The organization of El Paso businessmen and manufacturers by systematic and persistent work added to the city’s industrial and commercial greatness -aids government in patriotic endeavor. Continued from previous page MORALES UIVa [QOV[ WN )XIKPM TQNM IXXMIZML QV ^IZQW][ XWKSM\[QV\PMZMOQWV