Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz 3rd Quarter 2014 | Page 24

LA VANGUARDIA Y LA IDEOLOGIA. ¡QUÉ BONITO ES CHIHUAHUA! Continuación de la Página 21 tu Familia tu Salud : EL EJERCICIO Y PERSONAS CON DIABETES Revisado por: Steven Dowshen, MD Julio de 2012 Ya me voy ya me despido no se les vaya a olvidar ... -desconectar durante la misma. Pregúntale a tu médico que deberías hacer cuando no quieras llevar la bomba. Aliméntate bien. Tu quipo de diabetología también te ayudará a adaptar tu energía para hacer ejercicio. Por ejemplo, tal vez necesites tomar un tentempié adicional antes, durante o después de entrenar. Asegúrate de seguir una dieta adecuada para la diabetes -no pruebes estrategias como atiborrarte de hidratos de carbono antes de correr o comer o beber ... pa’ gente buena Chihuahua que es valiente, noble y leal. en determinada categoría de lucha libre. Estas actividades pueden ser peligrosas para las personas con diabetes. ¡Qué Bonito es Chihuahua! CREEL CHIHUAHUA : Creel was founded with the name ‘Estación Creel’ on May 26, 1907, as a railroad depot on the Chihuahua–Pacific line. It was named after Enrique Creel governor of Chihuahua state at the time. Creel was founded as a planned agricultural settlement that was intended to have a small number of Mexicans who were supposed to spread their culture onto the Tarahumara. CREEL CHIH. -Creel Lleva encima tentempiés y agua. Independientemente de que juegues a fútbol en el colegio o nades en la piscina de tu casa, ten agua y algo para picar a mano. Si sales de viaje, llévate todo lo necesario para controlar la diabetes. Si vas a hacer ejercicio lejos de casa, no te olvides de incluir en la maleta los aparatos de medición, tus medicamentos, tu pulsera de alerta médica, información sobre dónde acudir en caso de emergencia y una copia de tu plan de control de la diabetes. Acostúmbrate a guardar todos esos artículos en una bolsa especial para que no tengas que pensar en cogerlos uno a uno cada vez que hagas el equipaje. Díselo a tus entrenadores. Asegúrate de que tus entrenadores y monitores saben que tienes diabetes. Infórmales sobre lo que necesitas hacer para controlar la diabetes antes, durante o después de hacer ejercicio. Toma el control. No dudes en dejar de hacer ejercicio o tomarte un respiro si necesitas picar algo, beber agua o ir al lavabo. También deberías interrumpir la sesión de entrenamiento si no te encuentras bien o percibes cualquier signo de que algo va mal. 5 Tu médico te enseñará qué concentraciones de azúcar son adecuadas o inadecuadas para hacer ejercicio. Si tu concentración de azúcar es inadecuada, también te explicará qué debes hacer para poder retomar la actividad que estabas practicando. Si percibes cualquiera de los signos o is a town in the Sierra Tarahumara (part of the Sierra Madre Occidental) of the Mexican state of Chihuahua. It is the second-largest town (after San Juanito) in the municipality of Bocoyna. It is located some 175 kilometros (109 mi) to the southwest of the state capital, Chihuahua, Chih. Near Creel is Divisadero, perhaps the best-known overlook of the “Three Canyons” area of the Copper Canyon, as well as Basaseachi Falls, one of the highest waterfalls in Mexico. Creel was historically a logging town, although tourism has become the primary job source over the last 20 years. There are many hotels, restaurants and a number of tours down into the canyons and throughout the surrounding area. Creel was founded with the name ‘Estación Creel’ on May 26, 1907, as a railroad depot on the Chihuahua– American delegate in Chihuahua. Creel was founded as a planned agricultural settlement that was intended to have a small number of Mexicans who were supposed to spread their culture after Enrique Creel gov- onto the Tarahumara who ernor of Chihuahua state were supposed to be the at the time. He was the majority of the populason of Reuben W. Creel, tion. The Chihuahua al - runs from the city of Chihuahua to Los Mochis with four passenger trains arriving daily --two from each direction. There is also bus service to Chihuahua, as well as regular service down to the small town of Batopilas, hours each way. Cueva - MEXICAN TABLE Cuisine Un Poquitín De Derroché. Splurge A Tiny Bit. ejercicio y sigue tu p lan de control de la diabetes. Es posible que tengas una concentración baja de azúcar en sangre si: Estás sudando muchoNotas que se te va la cabeza o te sientes mareadoEstás temblorosoTe sientes débilEstás ansiosoTienes hambreTe duele la cabezaTe cuesta concentrarteEstás confundidoEs posible que tengas una concentración alta de azúcar en sangre si: Tienes mucha sedTienes que orinar muchoEstás agotadoVes borrosoAsimismo, fíjate en cualquier corte, rasguño o ampolla que tengas y cuéntaselo a tu médico si se te podrían ser signos de infección. Estando preparado y sabiendo cómo seguir tu plan de control de la diabetes, podrás prevenir los problemas relacionados con esta enfermedad durante la práctica de ejercicio. Después de todo, los atletas profesionales siguen un programa de entrenamiento y nutrición para rendir al máximo -piensa en tu plan de control de la diabetes como en tu mapa de carreteras personal hacia el éxito deportivo. Fin 22 ESTACIÓN CREEL : Estación Creel, o simplemente Creel, fue fundada el 26 de mayo de 1907 en lo que era una ranchería rarámuri llamada Nariachi. Creel se ha convertido en una importante localidad turística, por la cercanía de diversos puntos atractivos. como la Cascada de Basaseachi y la Cascada de Cusárare. READ OF OUR PAST AND FORWARD THE KNOWLEDGE.© © 2010-2014 MEXICAN TABLE, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Elotes Callejeros INGREDIENTS Serves 6 6 fresh ears of corn, husked and rinsed Unsalted butter, to taste Mayonnaise, to taste 1 cup crumbled queso cotija or queso fresco, or to taste 1 lime, or to taste Kosher or sea salt, to taste Dried ground chile like piquín or a mix like Tajín • • • • To Prepare: To cook the corn, you can grill it or boil it. To grill, brush the ears of corn with a bit of oil. Place them over a grill or grill pan, set over medium heat, and let the corn cook and char slightly, turning every 3 minutes until all the corn is done, anywhere from 9 to 12 minutes total. Remove from the heat. You can also cook the corn it in boiling water until soft and cooked, less than ten minutes. Once cooked, place corn on wooden stick. In Mexico, we spread butter, then a layer of mayonnaise, coat thoroughly with crumbled cheese, sprinkle with salt and ground chile then lightly drizzle with fresh lime juice. de Leones is located near Creel in the municipality of Bocoyna, just a couple of kilometers east of town. The area is named after the American lion, a species which is currently on the verge of extinction but occasionally it can be seen in this Tarahumara region. Cueva de Leones used to be a sawmill but it is now a main tourist attraction just 250 kilometers from the capital. However, tourism has not altered the life and customs of the local people who live in the mountains. Other tourist attractions in the area are the Arareko Lake, the Cusarare and Rukiraso waterfalls, the Cristo de la Montaña, the San Ignacio Mission, etc. End la CULTURA. la COSINA. Enchiladas de Huevo con Salsa de Frijol Chipotle, Chorizo y Queso INGREDIENTS Makes 12 enchiladas 3 cups cooked beans and 1 cup of their cooking broth (or 2 drained cans black beans plus 1 cup water) 2 tablespoons adobo sauce from chipotle chiles in adobo sauce 2 tablespoons vinegary sauce from pickled jalapeños in vinegar (or escabeche) 1 pound Mexican chorizo, casings removed, roughly chopped 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus more oil if frying the tortillas (opt to steam them!) 1/3 cup chopped scallions 9 large eggs, beaten with a fork or whisk until foamy 1/2 teaspoon kosher or coarse sea salt, or to taste 12 corn tortillas 1 cup crumbled queso fresco, cotija or goat cheese 6 to 8 pickled jalapeños, seeded and chopped Ripe avocado slices optional • • • • To Prepare: Place the cooked black beans and cooking broth (or water if using canned) in a blender, along with the sauce from the chipotles in adobo and the vinegary sauce from the pickled jalapeños, and puree until smooth. Place in a medium saucepan, heat over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until very hot. Reduce the heat to the low- est possible setting and keep warm. The puree should have the consistency of heavy cream. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Once it is hot, add the chopped chorizo and cook, crumbling as it cooks with a wooden spoon or spatula into small bite sized pieces, until it has browned and crisped, about 5 to 6 minutes. Scrape into a bowl, cover and set aside. Pre-heat a comal or cast iron skillet over medium heat. Heat the oil in a medium 10-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot but not smoking. Add the scallions and cook until soft and translucent and the edges begin to brown lightly, about 4 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium-low, pour in the beaten eggs, sprinkle with the salt, and cook, stirring often and gently, until desired done ness. Remove from the heat. Heat the corn tortillas, a pair at a time, in the pre-heated comal or skillet, about 1 minute per side, until completely heated through and even slightly toasted. Alternatively, you can heat enough oil to have 1/2” in a medium skillet set over medium heat, once very hot but not smoking, quickly pass each tortilla through the oil (4 to 5 seconds) and place on a plate or drying rack covered with paper towels. You know the oil is ready if when you dip a tortilla, the oil bubbles actively all around the edges and the tortillas begin to puff up after a few seconds. One by one, place on a plate and spoon about 2 generous tablespoons of the scrambled eggs onto the center of tortilla. Roll it into a soft taco and place in a platter, seam side down. Pour the bean puree on top. Cover with the cooked chorizo, crumbled queso and extra scallions & jalapeños. Enjoy!