Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Dual Language Leon Metz Bilingüe Without Borders | Page 8

7 Shifts Of ■ The SWChronicle EDU© 2008 ■ The Collegian ■ By Teach Thought©2013 PINTEREST AN EDU TOOL? Like Twitter and Facebook, Pinterest has fast become an essential social media tool for colleges. SCORES OF SCHOOLS SIGN UP & PIN UP! PINTEREST PLAYS TRENDY ROLE IN HIGHER EDU. Pinterest has begun to play another, perhaps more important role in higher education. Colleges and universities are starting to use the site as an educational tool, bringing it into the classroom or offering up boards focused on academic resources at the school. Here are a few of the schools that are leading the way for Pinterest to become another great social media tool for edu. PIN US ON PINTEREST Travel The Pass © EduTECH It came down to what I have referred to as a “disconnect” between my students, our class and their thing that could make a difference. I decided to start ASK YOURSELF What is the point of a sketch note? “The point of notes, it seems, is to capture important ideas for future reference. While it’s nothing new to take notes that combine images with words and phrases, sketch notes are actually an evolution of this idea. As an English teacher, I taught only a handful note taking styles, primarily combination notes, and Cornell notes, concept-map notes, and a kind of mash of the three. As a matter of differentiation I’d offer some students examples of outline-style notes and other styles, but that was it. 1 a. Are sketch notes digi storytellers? “When Ken Robinson’s Changing Educational Paradigms exploded across the internet, and the sound of the little marker squeaking across the whiteboard became synonymous with digital storytelling. Iconic even. Why? Because sketch notes like these don’t just capture ideas, they tell a story. There have been many times that students have come to me after a long weekend with questions about the homework that they did not complete because they did not understand it. And there were times when students missed class and appeared in front of me at the start of class, wondering what they missed in their absence. These situaWhen I started, it enabled me to send reminders to students, to receive their questions, to share resources, and to be available when the students needed (which often was later in the evening or during the weekend when their questions appeared). b. – Changing Educational Paradigms ASK YOURSELF ■ The SWChronicle EDU© The Collegian ■ By Teach Thought© c. So how did this impact my classroom? It began to eliminate the problem of the “disconnect.” Perfect! step in a series of changes that I made that, it seemed to me, improved the learning of the students. That this began simply by creating a persistent connect made me feel better about my hunch. My students, at least most of the time, were getting help when they needed it. classroom, try one of the many great messaging tools available: Celly, Voxer, twitter, or any of the dozens of apps that make this possible. Once you feel comfortable with your choice, then start thinking abou