About this Resource :
“ Lent is a favorable season for opening the doors to all those in need and recognizing in them the face of Christ . Each of us meets people like this every day . Each life that we encounter is a gift deserving acceptance , respect and love . The word of God helps us to open our eyes to welcome and love life , especially when it is weak and vulnerable .” - Pope Francis , 2017 message for Lent
Every year nearly 20,000 inidividuals engage in full-time , faith-based service . They are working with poor and vulnerable communities across the United States and in over 100 different countries abroad . Though their work as educators , ministers , health care providers , counselors , community organizers , and much more , these volunteers are able to make a positive impact on the communities they serve . In addition to this important work , volunteer also commit to living in intentional community with one another , maintaining a simple lifestyle , digging deep into matters of social justice , and seeking a closer relationship with God through prayer and reflection .
In this Lenten Reflection Guide , we have compiled reflections , prayers , and service suggestions based on each Sunday ’ s Gospel reading . These reflections are written by current and former volunteers , each offering their unique insights and experiences . Some will provide you with thought-provoking ideas for reflection , while others share practical suggestions of how you can apply the virtues of the faith-based service to your Lenten observance .
We are thankful for the opportunity to accompany you during this holy time . May God speak to you through these reflections over the next forty days !
About us :
The Catholic Apostolate Center , a ministry of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate ( Pallottines ) - Immaculate Conception Province , was founded in 2011 to respond to the needs of the Church through : Developing , in collaboration with dioceses and other institutions and organizations , formation programs for the New Evangelization ; Assisting Catholic leaders in deepening collaboration with one another ; Providing formation and apostolic opportunities for members and collaborators of the Union of Catholic Apostolate . The Center takes its inspiration from the spirituality of St . Vincent Pallotti and achieves its goals through hosting conferences , seminars , webinars , and presentations as well as providing online and print resources . For more information visit : www . catholicapostolatecenter . org
Catholic Volunteer Network is a national membership organization of Christian volunteer and mission programs that fosters and promotes full-time national and international service opportunities for people of all backgrounds , ages and skills . Catholic Volunteer Network supports and enhances the work of its membership by providing training and resources , networking opportunities , and national advocacy . For more information visit : www . catholicvolunteernetwork . org