Budget Season is Coming!
Leland Management will soon begin working on dra budgets for the commu-
ni es! This process starts around July. The current year is analyzed and ac-
coun ng works closely with the board of directors to make the best choices
for the community. Expect to hear more informa on around the fall!
Super Star
Leland’s Super Star award is presented to employees who go above and beyond in their posi ons. We
look for people who exemplify the Leland Philosophy by demonstra ng honesty, respect, customer
service, a posi ve a tude, and teamwork.
We want to congratulate our three recent recipients of the Super Star award. Heather Gambini, LCAM,
April Kaiser, CMCA, and Valerie Kniffin, accoun ng manager. Thank you for all of your hard work and
dedica on!